Tuesday, October 18, 2005

sell me some freedom...

A professor in our advertising class, once told us about how admakers really are selling you a lot more than just their product.. a shrewd study of the consumer psychology and there they are - capturing your complexes, cajoling them, offering you a better (even if commercial) option, playing on your emotions, working on your desires et all..
i think i'll give it to the advertising industry after all..they know it dont they..how utterly hypothetical this utopia called freedom is..atleast wise fellas are raking in big time moolah with that knowledge. for the majority, it belongs to that media-created neverland of fairies with flawless skin, gorgeous manes and perfect close-up smiles..as long as we sit in drawing rooms worrying about which 'conform or perish' trap awaits them the next day, 'unbelong' and 'let's go' catchlines will sure grab eyeballs and a lot more.


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