Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cup-le of issues

To know Sumitra Bhave and Sunil Sukhtankar as directors who've made acclaimed issue-based films like Devrai, Nital and Dahavi Fa, among others, is to not fully understand their commitment to cinema with a cause. Even if one looks at Ek Cup Chya their latest film, without knowing their body of work, one gets an unmistakable sense of their penchant for activism, the political lens through which they bring a microcosm of a world residing silently away from the mainstream on to the celluloid.
Though the film is made to spread awareness about a single issue, the filmmakers don't deal with it in isolation. They build around it a context of subtle contradictions, discriminations and prejudices that are structurally built-in to our system, so that the audiences see that the problem, the injustice in focus is a part of a larger web of social politics. Thus, their films end up not only enlightening us about the issue in question, but also questioning the way in which we are conditioned to look at things.
So, though Ek Cup Chya (a euphemism for bribe-seeking) is gathering a reputation for being the first Indian film dealing with the Right to Information Act, the film throws up several other important concerns. Clearly, the over-riding message is the hope that this constitutional provision provides to an otherwise faceless population vis-a-vis a behemoth government.
But the way the directors go about constructing the details of the existence of the common man in the vast rural hinterlands of India, a bigger picture unfolds. The compact 2- hour narrative brings forth the larger implications of 'progress' on the have-nots, the inequality that exists as a way of life in our democracy, the skewed government policies that turn luxuries into necessities for the urban rich, while pushing essentials out of reach for the larger half of the population.
Yet, the story remains honest and personal.
And there lies Bhave-Sukhtankar's achievement. The world of Kashinath Sawant (Kishor Kadam), a bus conductor in state transport, and his family is brought to us with such empathy, you can't help but feel for his innately optimistic wife (Ashwini Giri), his endearing old mother and his un-pampered, sweet children. His fight against a corrupt government with the help of RTI – he wants electricity back in the house after his failure to pay an unjustifiably huge bill – becomes a tale of empowerment of the hapless masses, without once losing the intimate connect with the protagonist's life.
Though there are patches in the second half when you know the directors are in for some informative exposition, they are balanced by delicate humour and some sensitive touches that help the story steer clear of melodrama or manipulative plot contrivances. The reactions and reflexes of characters are so life-like, you could almost believe they were performing without a script.
As much as it is a triumph of the writing, it also says a lot about the actors – all of them deliver very mature performances. A deeply affecting film, indeed.

Monday, December 28, 2009

No more silence, please

Yoneechya Maneechya Gujgoshti or secret conversations of the vagina –the title of Vandana Khare’s Marathi adaptation of Eve Ensler's celebrated play The Vagina Monologues is perhaps more shocking than its controversial English counterpart. “It’s okay if we use bad words in English, but it hits hard when you use them in Marathi,” Khare says, pointing out just one among the many dualities, contradictions and ironies that surround the issue of gender and female sexuality in our society. In the same vein, the beginning of her play seeks to expose the hypocrisy of a culture that venerates its mother goddesses,while evoking female genitals in the choicest of swear words with impunity. The audiences are asked to join in as the actors spell out the word ‘vagina’ loudly, in an effort to reclaim the word from its corrupted connotation.
But is this tokenism really liberating? Doesn’t it shock and stun an audience that’s expected to watch the sensitively-written play with empathy and compassion? “Of course, there was no compulsion.But I thought it was important in order to disarm the caution with which the audiences approach this play - so that they can view it,participate in it with their guards down,” reasons Khare.
The way this episode is brought about, much like the rest of the play,is what makes the difference. Khare’s attitude towards the socially-under-wraps subjects the play deals with – female fantasies, orgasm, lesbianism, extra-marital relationships, sexual abuse, rape, menstruation, female subjugation, reproduction, et all –is not sensationalist, but that of a concerned activist, who has worked in the area of gender and sexuality for around 20 years. It was the feminist and the writer in her that felt compelled to make Ensler’s seminal work available to a wider audience. “I came to really ‘know’ the play when a Marathi magazine asked me to write about TheVagina Monologues. My research allowed me to see the significance of this work. The material originated from an extensive research covering a very diverse demographic of women and the play was Ansler’s way of giving it back to the society. Even purely as a play, I loved the form, the affirmative tone, and most of all, the humour in it,” says Khare.
Yet, it is precisely the humour in the play that the audiences are very reserved in reacting to. “A lot of women come to me saying they liked the play a lot, but we could have done without the boisterous laughter ringing through many of the episodes. This is again indicative of our attitude towards women’s sexuality. It’s only associated with exploitation, abuse and protest. It’s difficult for people to accept that desires and ecstasies are as much a part of a woman’s sexual experience,” ponders Khare.
With such potentially explosive material at hand, Khare’s biggest challenge was to walk the thin line between vulgarity and boldness.“My effort was to not sound over-cautious, nor be very insensitive towards people’s sensibilities. And I think the play has achieved itsrequired tone, going by the kind of positive reactions we have been getting from women of all ages and backgrounds, as well as men,” she says. Though a lot of the male audience queue up for the play expecting titillation, Khare says they come out unrewarded, but not disappointed. “They laugh, shed tears, feel for the play. That’s the strength of Ensler’s work. Men come and tell me it was better than their expectations. That’s what I go by, not the few critics who could not see what the play was really all about,” smiles Khare.