Friday, March 24, 2006


colour, is what you see when you close your eyes. it is what pervades the blank screen under your eyelids when you can't see any more. nostalgia, seasons, the feel of a person..they all have their colour equivalents. colours seep through memory. with eyes shut, you see lemon-yellow and you know it's summer. crimson-orange for sunsets, white for the softness of old age, green for forests in the rains, terracotta for the coziness of him, sky blue for the feel of my mother's soft cotton saree... i'm still to find my colour for loss..i think it's colourless.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


sink in. soak. feel the prick of goosebumps. exploit sub-cutaneous reseves of sensations. indulge. drift. turn inside out.withdraw. feel pain. cry rage. open up. reach out. reach in. laugh. surrender. let it flood. get carried away. respond to stimulus. burst. bite into the flesh of life. get real.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

over and over again

after years of learning to unlearn the sentimentality of love, I still remain a sucker for romance. every attempt at writing is a pitiful apology for feeling too be overwhelmed by too be charmed by the be under the spell of a cliché called love.. I write the same things over and over again. Everytime, writing off a piece of myself. .